After the pandemic hit and I changed to online classes, I gained another regular student. She initially joined to keep herself in shape while gyms were closed. She quickly realized she would stick to Yoga with Mikenze because she was building muscle while stretching her muscles at the same time. She felt good from this necessary balance of strength and stretch and it was also increasing her shoulder mobility, which she had struggled with in the past. After 6 months of regular Yoga with Mikenze classes, she can now tune into her parasympathetic nervous system much quicker and easier, allowing her to calm and relax much easier.
About a month into the pandemic and online classes, my next regular student joined my Guided Meditation classes to help her deal with work stress and find some peace and calm. After her first few Meditation classes she felt very relaxed both physically and mentally and was finally able to forget the stress of work, allowing her to be in the moment. After about 4 months of regular Meditation classes, she has found that she is now able to better manage and handle her emotions. She has also found some healing after losing a close family member.
I have had a few students who have committed for a month or two before life getting in the way of regular practice with me. These students have told me that they can actually trust me to not bend them until they break, or push them into poses they aren’t comfortable with. They trust me to give them variations they can practice and not to judge them for where they are in their journey. In fact, I regularly remind them to not judge themselves because we are all on a journey and everybody is different. These students have noticed progress in their physical and emotional wellbeing, learning to not judge themselves so harshly but to push themselves to meet their edge while maintaining a healthy body.

I am honoured and eternally grateful to have such amazing students. I am very excited to see what progress and change we see in the future, and to see how we all grow on our journeys.