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7 Yoga Poses to Align your Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

Our Throat Chakra is responsible for communication, expression, authenticity and purification. To learn more about this chakra, check out my previous post that goes into further detail. This article will give you 7 Yoga poses to help you align your Throat Chakra.

1. Lion Pose

Start in table top position. Sit back over heels and bring hands closer to knees. Turn fingers back to your own degree. Inhale through nose with eyes closed, exhale through mouth, stick tongue out fully and look up. Repeat with each breath.

2. Shoulder Stand

Start laying on your back. Lift legs and hips up and bring hands to back where you can reach. Hug elbows close to your sides and use your abs to keep legs lifted up straight, as best you can.

3. Plow Pose

Start laying on your back. Lift legs and hips up and allow feet to continue over your head. Keep feet flexed and allow toes to touch mat, if you can get that far. Arms can be supporting your back or extended down. You can also clasp your hands while they are extended down.

4. Cat Pose

Start in table top. On your exhalation, round your back, engage your abdominals and look towards your belly. Your back should be rounded like a cat.

5. Cow Pose

Start in table top. On your inhalation, arch your back, let your belly hang, and look up to your own degree.

6. Fish Pose

Start laying on your back. Bring index finger and thumb under your hips, shaped like a diamond. Toes point down, squeeze shoulder blades together, lift chest up, look up and bring top of head to mat, or as close as you can.

7. Bridge Pose

Start laying on your back. Bring the soles of your feet to the mat, hips width apart, and walk your heels close to your hips. Slowly lift your hips up to your own edge. Squeeze your shoulder blades together, arms extend down, and clasp your hands together under your hips.

Check out my Instagram to see three poses to help you align your Throat Chakra in video format. Namaste.

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