Way back in 2008 when I was in the Social Service Worker program at Loyalist College in Belleville, ON, I was introduced to the video The Secret. The Secret is all about envisioning your future. Put your desires into the Universe, visualize them, believe it will happen, and it will. It told of how the Universe has our backs: all we have to do is tell it what we want and need.
Back then I believed this to be true, but I was not at a point in my life that I could believe anything good would come to me. I was making poor decisions and was extremely negative and angry. I had been abused as a child and teenager and was struggling with extreme depression, anxiety, and addiction to marijuana. It took almost my entire twenties before I would find myself and some happiness.
A Few Weeks Into My Yoga Journey

When I found Yoga, I found a way to calm my mind, centre myself, and create some inner peace. Everything began to change. I started handling situations more positively. I started making smarter, more positive decisions for myself. I had some hard times and heart break during that time, but I stuck to my Yoga practice and continued moving forward, despite my heartache. Despite having situations blow up in my face, I continued to do what was best for me and move confidently into my future.
My first experience with asking the Universe to provide me with what I needed was when I was living with my mother in a bachelor style tiny home and needed to find my own place. I told my mother and everyone else in my life that I would find a room in a house to rent at $500 inclusive. They all thought I would never find this in Prince Edward County (a place where the cost of living increases steadily each year). But I was confident. I trusted and believed whole-heartedly that I would find exactly what I wanted.
My Bedroom In Prince Edward County

I continued to look on different websites, contacting people and asking my friends to keep an eye out, until one day a friend sent me a link. The link was for a room to rent in a house in Prince Edward County at $500 inclusive. I was ecstatic! I knew this was it! I went and saw the room and it was perfect! I lived there for a year before I decided I needed to move on.
This proved to me that with some positive thinking, trust, and gratitude, amazing things could happen. You can get exactly what you want and need, exactly when you need it, even if it comes out of a loss. Just before I moved back to Belleville, I lost my job. I was sad the day before I was officially let go, but the next day, when they let me go, I instantly felt the weight lift off my shoulders, and I knew that this had happened for a reason. I knew I was not meant to work there anymore. My purpose there had been fulfilled and it was time to focus on myself and my business. It was time to be my own boss, spread my wings, and find my own way.
My Online Yoga Studio In Belleville

A few days later, I moved to my new place, and began focusing solely on teaching Yoga. My business began to grow, and I secured new classes, new students, and new private lessons. During the Pandemic I started teaching online via Zoom, and my business continued to grow. I trusted that the Universe would provide me with success from my hard work, and it happened.
A few months later I trusted that I would find the perfect place for myself: once again it happened, and I now live in a beautiful one-bedroom apartment that is perfect for me and my needs. I have enough room to have my office area, a living area, my bedroom area, and my studio area. And I can afford it now because of the success I am finding from the hard work I put in and the trust I have in the Universe. The Universe has my back, and it has yours too!